Friday, October 31, 2008

Debates and Effects-Aber Kawas

Just as with the Kennedy Nixon debate, it seems that the persona of the candidates is affecting their results from the debate. It seems that in every debate Obama has come out on top , presenting himself as cool and collected, as well as a good decision maker. His rebuttals always seemed to stay on topic an address every accusation, opposed to McCain's which would go off topic y, as he really didn't deliver any effective answers. Although I am for Obama as president, i also feel that the debates especially are hurting John McCain, making him come off less personable and aggressive. Not only do the presidential debates effect the votes and likability of the presidents, the vice presidential debates also were very important to the elections. In the vice presidential debate Sarah Palin came as an ignorant leader with one sided arguments, and aggressive tactics that did not deliver the truth or make sense to the audience. However the fact that it was a male vs. female debate was definitely a factor, because it is just peoples natural tendency to agree with the man, and see him as a more powerful force .Also the combination of Bidens seniority and sarah Palins youth made her seem like the candidate less prepared to run the country. I recently heard on night line that the choice of Palin for vice president has actually lowered MCCains votes opposed to Biden who has raised Obamas.

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