Sunday, October 19, 2008

Economic Crisis

Which will be better for the US/worldwide economy?
Obama wants to make tax reforms. First he will put a stop to the corporate tax cuts and give it to the struggling working class. Obama is completely behind the foreclosure prevention plan set by Congress and plans to make sure it is put into action as soon as possible. To prevent this from happening again he is proposing a Homebuyers Bill Of Rights, which will create lending standards and inform the homebuyer on mortgage options. McCain is calling for the National Commission on Workplace Flexibility and Choice. This commission would examine issues and provide their opinions to the president. The issues the commission reviews range from labor laws to retirement plans and job training assistance. McCain believes that the entrepreneur is the secret to our prosperity and would keep the tax rate low for them. Obama would be better for the economy since he is concerned more for the average person than the top corporations.
-Sinead Sewell

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