Wednesday, November 12, 2008

the Election's outcome

I believe that this is indeed a historic win for the democratic party. Obviously, part of the reason is that Obama is the first african american president. Also, though, I think this election shows the apex of public dissatisfaction with the republican party. The public view of the party has weekend drastically from Bush's win in 2000. Also, Obama's win over McCain was of a much greater margin than Clinton's (the last democratic win) win over Bush senior.

Why did Obama win? First of all, everything about him, physically and mentally, embodies a fresh new start. McCain, however, is similar to Bush and most republicans in his views and appearance. Additionally, Obama captured the youth vote, not just because of his young age, but because McCain is the oldest man ever to seek presidency. In the end, I think it came down to simple public disatisfaction with the previous regime.

-Charles Judkins

Monday, November 10, 2008

WorkingClass 4 Obama

After reviewing the working families party website , reading about there issues, it clear to see why they chose Barack Obama as their candidate for the 2008 election. The working families parties ideals on the economy are just an extention of the democratic policy. The party was for lowering taxes for workers, and creating green jobs, which would help the world and world economy. Barack Obama proposed economic relief for all Americans but had an emphasis on those who were working hard hours with low pay , and the people who were receiving high taxes that they couldn't afford to pay. Another similarity between the parties policies and Obamas was, health care for all. Both parties found a necessity to give every American an opportunity to receive cheap health care for them and their families. The workingfamilies parties really focuses on the middle class of America, and those who really need economic relief, and Barack Ovbama focused on their issues, and although he may only be able to enforce a milder form of policies, at least he is looking out for a neglected and suffering population of Americans.
Aber Kawas C band

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Young Voters and Making History

This election year is very historic. Not only the outcome but the reason the election turned that way. The percent of voters between the ages of 18 and 29 who regesistered and went out to vote reached record levels Tuesday. Before, few voted because they haven’t been following the campaigns hence know nothing about the candidates. This year however the topics in each campaign directly affected the lives of young voters. Most have graduated high school and are trying to pay for their college tuition, and the expenses of living on their own. Since the shape as the country as a whole is in serious need of help scholarships, loans and jobs are hard to come by. These young voters noted that Obama has a plan to help with the economic crisis and get the country on its feet. They noted that the current government wasn't doing the job the United States needs them to do and decided it needed to change hands. Seven out of ten young voters felt that Obama can and will get the job done. When the presidential issues begin to affect the younger generation the more they are interested and the more they follow each campaign. The more they follow each campaign the greater the chance that they will vote. McCain and Obama were talking about issues that young Americans cared about. The increase in the percentage of young votes is one of the top reasons for Obama's landslide victory over an established war vetern like John McCain. Obama reached out to these voters, influenceing "Yes we can, Yes we did” chants that gave hope in the hearts d of all Americans.-Sinead

No matter who won or who you wanted to win, this election year definatly effected every person in the country. Its been a long time since I've seen people in this country be so patriotic and invested in democracy. It honestly felt like we had all gone back in time and participated in historic moments such as watergate or the million man march and had been part of a movement for progression. Now the new generation of Americans have a moment of their own, WE were literally witnessing an unforgettable event in American history. Many people called this last election a silent revolution , I agree. Following the principles of John Locke that our country was based on, the citizens of the country united to overthrow a corrupt government under Kind George and elect a leader that would bring change for us all. However this time we didn't need any sons of liberty or black panthers, we all made a difference by walking a few blocks to vote for our new president. The best part is that it was the youth who turned the election, and worked hard to raise awareness whether it be in schools, or through popular sites like face book, or by creating music or fashion pertaining o the candidates .Nationlly youth have been more invested in this election than ever before, even I personally being only sixteen and unable to vote, feel that I was part of something that changed my nation. I believe that this election has changed the course of how the youth view America, finally we feel that we have the control, and it has been a revitalization of the notions for liberty. It took an African American leader named Barack Hussein Obama to instill a feeling of civic pride that we had all lost during these past few years.

Aber Kawas C band

Friday, October 31, 2008

Presidential Debate

In response to the presidential debate....

I believe that Obama won. His points were clear and understandable. It felt like he had a clear logical plan for his duties as president. In contrast, McCain seemed to focus more on attacking Obama, while presenting only fragments of his illogical plan.

Also, Obama simply came off more personable. He make eye contact and spoke clearly. McCain stared at his feet, and looked angry and stressed throughout the entire debate.

-Charles Judkins

Debates and Effects-Aber Kawas

Just as with the Kennedy Nixon debate, it seems that the persona of the candidates is affecting their results from the debate. It seems that in every debate Obama has come out on top , presenting himself as cool and collected, as well as a good decision maker. His rebuttals always seemed to stay on topic an address every accusation, opposed to McCain's which would go off topic y, as he really didn't deliver any effective answers. Although I am for Obama as president, i also feel that the debates especially are hurting John McCain, making him come off less personable and aggressive. Not only do the presidential debates effect the votes and likability of the presidents, the vice presidential debates also were very important to the elections. In the vice presidential debate Sarah Palin came as an ignorant leader with one sided arguments, and aggressive tactics that did not deliver the truth or make sense to the audience. However the fact that it was a male vs. female debate was definitely a factor, because it is just peoples natural tendency to agree with the man, and see him as a more powerful force .Also the combination of Bidens seniority and sarah Palins youth made her seem like the candidate less prepared to run the country. I recently heard on night line that the choice of Palin for vice president has actually lowered MCCains votes opposed to Biden who has raised Obamas.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

To Green or Not To Green???

The new hot topic on everyone's mind these days is the condition of our environment. With recent movies made by celebrities such as Al Gore and Leonardo DiCaprio , warning of the dangers of global warming, the question on everyone's mind is , does global warming really exist or is it a one sided propaganda story to gain money for an environmental industry? Scientists across the board all have distinct opinions on the matter, yet never to the extremes of declaring or opposing global warming. The most general consensus is that the earths natural cycle allows it to get warmer, and these natural phenomena are not caused by human pollution, which is only a slight factor in the cause of disruptions in the earth.Also many argue that the main dangers don't come from the rising sea levels or temperature but actually from the emission of methane gas " the green house effect", however many scientists claim that the effects of the omissions are inevitable and at this point irreversible. So although environmental issues are not dire, I believe that it is practical and cheaper to be aware of what is happening, and practice recycling and conservation, to generally have a cleaner environment. John McCain representing the republican party is currently trying to redeem the backlash from Bush's constant disregard to the subject of the environment. To boost Americas domestic economy he plans to invest money in the search of a natural domestic oil that will reduce dependence on foreign oil. he also proposes to incorporate methods of solar power into the American lifestyle, reducing the need for oil and electricity. The federal government will be investing and rewarding money to scientist who will find a way to make energy saving batteries, and also is endorsing environmentally friendly products such as hybrid cars. However unless McCain can truly find a way to expand jobs and make domestically made oil a marketable product, in the long run the changes in society may economically weaken the country especially with a volatile economy at present. this weakness will allow other countries such as China to have economic superiority. So what will be more important to the presidential nominee the conservation in the country or American economic world dominance, I wonder.
-Aber kawas C band

To Green or not to Green

Barack Obama plans to initiate one of the most ambitious "green" projects in history upon his election. In his own words, "$15 billion a year in renewable sources of energy. To create 5 million new green jobs. . . . I'll put 2 million more Americans to work rebuilding roads and bridges, setting up a new electricity grid so renewable energy can get to people. If we can spend $10 billion a month rebuilding Iraq we can spend some money rebuilding America."

This excess of money (no longer such a huge ammount compared to the recent bailout), would be a godsend. The plan would benefit not only mother earth, but the american lower classes with the jobs it would create.

-Charles Judkins