Monday, November 10, 2008

WorkingClass 4 Obama

After reviewing the working families party website , reading about there issues, it clear to see why they chose Barack Obama as their candidate for the 2008 election. The working families parties ideals on the economy are just an extention of the democratic policy. The party was for lowering taxes for workers, and creating green jobs, which would help the world and world economy. Barack Obama proposed economic relief for all Americans but had an emphasis on those who were working hard hours with low pay , and the people who were receiving high taxes that they couldn't afford to pay. Another similarity between the parties policies and Obamas was, health care for all. Both parties found a necessity to give every American an opportunity to receive cheap health care for them and their families. The workingfamilies parties really focuses on the middle class of America, and those who really need economic relief, and Barack Ovbama focused on their issues, and although he may only be able to enforce a milder form of policies, at least he is looking out for a neglected and suffering population of Americans.
Aber Kawas C band

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